All technical indicators indicate that the current sentiment is Neutral, while the Fear & Greed Index is reading 30.90, which means extreme fear. Individuals, investors, and business owners would be well advised to keep an eye on this space as the calendar flips to 2022.According to our current Amp price prediction, the value of Amp will increased by 264.23%, reaching $0.00764 by end of 2025. No matter what price changes happen for specific tokens or coins, it is clear that the understanding and acceptance of cryptoassets is set to accelerate moving forward. It is still too early and far too soon to predict just how the blockchain and cryptoasset sector will evolve, but the underlying trend is clear these technologies have gone mainstream. If 2021 was the year that blockchain and cryptoassets became mainstream topic of conversation and analysis, the coming year seems well positioned to be the year that regulation and rules catch up to market realities. That said, and understanding the interest and appetite for growth oriented assets seems to point to an upward path for bitcoin and cryptoassets moving forward. What form or ultimate result that cryptoassets take remains uncertain at this point, but the integration of cryptoassets has already occurred. Rising inflation, the continued monetary easing around the world and the proliferation of cryptoassets all point toward the following conclusion cryptoassets are here to stay. Setting aside market volatility, and seeking to remain as objective as possible, the case for $100,000 bitcoin seems to have support points. This might seem like a relatively conservative estimate for the price of bitcoin in some circles, but it is worth noting that during 2021 the price of bitcoin did exhibit some of its historical volatility, ranging from lows around $30,000 to all-time-highs of nearly $70,000. Stablecoins might not be the favorite iteration of cryptocurrency by some members of the bitcoin community, but will serve a vital role moving forward.īitcoin will hit 100k.

Stablecoins, if operated as advertised, offer an understandable and reasonably stable (no pun intended) way for individuals and institutions to get into the sector. The technology works, and the applications of said technology are just beginning to be acknowledged by the mainstream and non-expert marketplace. Rather, and leading into the next point of conversation, is that stablecoins and other cryptoassets connected to external assets seem to represent the next iteration of mainstream crypto adoption. The primary upside and attraction of stablecoins is the – unsurprisingly – stability that many of these cryptoassets offer, enabling crypto to be used as a transactional medium versus a speculative investment.Īs the calendar flips to 2022, and as geo-politics continues to influence and partially direct the cryptoasset conversation, the rise of stablecoins is a trend that cannot be ignored.

As per the report from the President’s Working Group, stablecoins utilization increased by 500% between October 2020 to October 2021, and it does not seem likely that this pace of adoption will decrease.

Stablecoins, whether they are liked or not by all members of the crypto community, seem to be the most viable way in which non-expert and mass market adoption of crypto will commence. Not as scintillating as watching prices for NFTs vacillate, but blockchain enabled ownership appears to be the future of NFTS for mainstream adoption.